Used Car Appraisal

The first interaction between a sales executive and their customer is vital in instilling trust and a sense of professionalism. The manner in which the customer’s car is appraised for a potential part-exchange can make or break a deal, so making that experience a positive one is of paramount importance.

As we move into a more technological age, the adoption of mobile solutions can provide huge benefits for Dealerships as they endeavour to create the best impression with their customers, and gain oversight into their sales pipeline.

FullAppraisal is a mobile vehicle appraisal tool which allows sales execs to move from outdated paper-based processes to electronic appraisal of part-exchange vehicles. For a minimal fee, sales executives will appear more professional to their customers, will be more consistent and accurate in their appraisals, enabling management to monitor performance and opportunities more easily.

By using an electronic solution, sales managers can gain insight into recently conducted appraisals, ensuring that their team find the best deal for the part-exchange. In addition, the data recorded is optimised for launching the vehicle on Cooper Solutions’ online vehicle auction site, FullAuction, which has sold more than 45,000 trade cars since its launch in 2011.

Do your sales execs present a modern and professional image when appraising used vehicles? If not, you should be using FullAppraisal.

Our Used Car Appraisal System

Who are Cooper Solutions?


We provide a range of integrated dealer management solutions and systems for the automotive industry. Our online solutions cover financial management, fleet management, daily rate insurance provision, benefit in kind compliance, trade car disposal, and used car stock control.

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