
This page contains some suggestions for resolving any issues you may run into. If these suggestions do not solve your particular problem, please email us at; describing your issue and how to recreate it in as much detail as possible.

  • Check system requirements
    First check the system requirements page to make sure you have the required versions of Windows, Internet Explorer, and Adobe Acrobat. 
  • Check browser setup 
    Next check that your browser is properly configured using the information on the browser setup page. 
  • Restart browser
    If everything seems to be in order after the first two steps, you should log off and then close your browser. To be sure the browser is completely closed you must close all open Internet Explorer windows, as well as your email program (many use the browser to display HTML emails). Then open Internet Explorer, and log in again. 
  • Check Adobe Acrobat settings 
    If reports or loan forms are not appearing properly in your browser, check your Acrobat settings are correct. Run Acrobat from your Start menu (Programs, Adobe, Acrobat Reader), and choose the Preferences... command on the Edit menu. Click Options from the list, and make sure that the settings Display PDF in Browser, Allow Fast Web View, and Allow Background Downloading are all checked. Here is a sample PDF report so you can verify that PDFs open in your browser correctly. If PDF reports aren't displaying or printing properly, click the Printing Tips button in the Print dialog. This displays Adobe's own troubleshooting guide, which should help you resolve any problems.
  • Popup blockers
    Popup blockers can interfere with the display of reports and loan forms. Internet Explorer has its own popup blocker which will be detected by our system. A warning will appear if it is turned on, with instructions on how to add the Cooper Solutions web site to an approved list of web sites and avoid any problems. However, there are many other popup blockers which cannot always be detected, for example the Google and Yahoo toolbars for Internet Explorer have their own popup blockers. Here is another link that displays the above PDF; if it fails to appear then you most likely have a popup blocker installed. Most have an option to allow popups from certain sites - we suggest you add the Cooper Solutions web site to this list.
  • Restart your computer
    If the problem persists, you should log off, close any other applications that are running, and then restart your computer. Then open Internet Explorer, and log in again.
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We provide a range of integrated dealer management solutions and systems for the automotive industry. Our online solutions cover financial management, fleet management, daily rate insurance provision, benefit in kind compliance, trade car disposal, and used car stock control.

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